This year we have staged three events as part of Heritage Open Days. We were at Hatton Show with our displays – ‘Celebrating 125 Years of Manchester Ship Canal’, Our Gallant Heroes’ and ‘An Agricultural Tour through the Parish’. We certainly talked to a lot of people and the whole show was a great afternoon out.
Myra gave us a talk about the Agricultural Tour, giving us some idea of the parish during the 1850’s and telling us how things had changed in the 170 years since the visitors came to see some of our farms. Daresbury is one of the few agricultural areas of Halton and we are keen to move forward with our knowledge of them. If you think you can help us with stories or pictures, then please get in touch – chair@ddhg.org.uk
We also walked across the parish from ‘East to West’, learning about the history as we went along. It was a beautiful day and easy walking along the towpath. There was lots to discover….and there’s so much more to tell you.
Why don’t you come along to our events (programme here), follow us on Facebook or make a date to catch up on our website?